FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2
Bulk Course Import: Course Migration Workflow | GA |

Use the new and easy to use Bulk Course Import (BCI) tool to bring course content from supported LMS’s and content providers into Brightspace. Monitor your import progress from the Bulk Course Import History dashboard.

Create Course Widget: Now Included in Brightspace Core | GA |

With the new Course Creation Widget, you can make a new course in a snap. The Teacher Course Creation widget lets you create a new course offering with ease.

Brightspace Virtual Assistant | GA |

The new Brightspace Virtual Assistant is a contextual AI help tool embedded right within Brightspace that acts as a first point of contact for support.

Users receive help—immediately, anytime and on any device—that’s tailored toward their site, role and language within the learning environment. It's available now as part of our End User Support service.

Discussions: Feedback File Attachment | GA |

Gain the ability to attach files, and media content to share with learners during Discussion evaluation with the new Discussion: Feedback File attachment feature. This feature will enable better feedback communications for instructors while they are evaluating Discussions submissions.

Learning Outcomes: CSV Import | GA |

Scale your workflows with the ability to bulk import outcome items at the course offering or the program levels via the CSV Import function in the Learning Outcomes tool. This function will use familiar import processes to allow instructors, course designers and program admins to import outcomes into the Learning Outcomes tool at the required level of the org unit structure to support quick and easy course/program creation of outcomes.

Assignments: Assessment Workflows | Beta Program - Open Advertised |

This release introduces enhanced features for Advanced Assignment workflows, including delegation, co-marking, and multi-evaluation, for current customers enrolled in the Beta program. Additionally, non-Beta program customers will now have access to explore the new Assessment workflows beta experience in non-production environments.

Learning Outcomes: Course Outcome Achievement Visualization | GA |

Improve efficiency in assessing course-level achievements with a new visualization feature in Mastery View. This addition will be included as part of a new Outcome Achievement Dashboard add-on.

Learning Outcomes: Group Assignments | GA |

Evaluate group assignments by assessing outcomes to incorporate a focus on learning outcomes directly into the assessment process for group work.

Learning Outcomes: Outcome Achievement Dashboard | GA |

Gain visibility into aggregated achievement results across multiple courses with the Outcome Achievement Dashboard. With this dashboard, users can easily see that learners are meeting goals and outcomes across the learning interactions.

Data & Analytics
Artificial Intelligence: Generate Quiz Questions | Beta Program - Restricted |

Easily generate assessment questions using your Brightspace content with AI technology.

D2L is committed to providing users with AI-powered tools, streamlining content creation workflows through generative AI while still ensuring human control and oversight. This capability will initially be available as a Beta in North America.

Learn more about D2L's AI principles.

[AB] LA launch of Analytics Builder | LA |

This limited availability launch allows us to work closely with a handpicked cohort of clients to refine and perfect the platform before its broader release. Through this initiative, participating institutions will have the opportunity to explore Analytics Builder's capabilities and provide valuable feedback.

Artificial Intelligence: Idea Generator for Assignments and Discussions | Beta Program - Restricted |

Generate ideas when creating new assignments and discussions that are inspired by your Brightspace content using the power of AI.

D2L is committed to providing users with AI-powered tools, streamlining content creation workflows through generative AI while still ensuring human control and oversight.

This capability will initially be available as a Beta in North America.

Read more about D2L's AI principles.

D2L Link: Expansion to Support EMEA and Australia Regions | LA |

Integration and Automation Services, Powered by D2L Link will be available with regional hosting in EU, and Australia.

D2L Link: Logs and Lookup Tables for Admins | LA |

Access comprehensive logs and manage lookup tables associated with administrators' recipes to oversee data mappings established for your D2L Link integrations.

LTI Migrations: Domain Mapping API | GA |

Easily migrate LTI 1.1 tools to LTI 1.3 with enhanced functionality, even when they have different URLs. Plus, now you can migrate multiple LTI 1.1 tools to a single LTI 1.3 tool with ease.

LTI: Platform Notification Service | GA |

Send course copy messages to LTI Tools with the Platform NotificationService. This is a new aspect of the LTI 1.3 / Advantage specification that enables an LTI Platform (Brightspace) to share important messages with an LTI Tool so they can make updates to their activities outside the context of a user launch. This initial release includes support for the Course Copy message.

SIS-IPSIS: D2L Standard CSV 3.0 - Enhanced User and Course Management | GA |

Unlock simplified user and course management with D2L Standard CSV 3.0. With this new version of D2L Standard CSV clients will be able to:

  • Easily update user pronouns for personalized interactions,

  • Make courses discoverable with a single click

This feature is designed for efficiency, inclusivity, and convenience.

SIS-IPSIS: Improve Management of Unenrollment from Upper Org Units for OneRoster 1.1 Source Systems | GA |

Unenroll users from previous schools when moved to a new school within a district with our integration platform.

SIS-IPSIS: OneRoster 1.1 REST- Advanced Filters for Grades Export | GA |

Experience increased operational efficiency, and ensure data integrity with optimized OneRoster 1.1 REST nightly grade exports.

SIS-IPSIS: OneRoster 1.1 with GG4L - Export Grades to PowerSchool | GA |

Export Brightspace grades to PowerSchool / PowerTeacher Pro using GG4L's School Passport integration platform without the need for double entry.

Find Learning
Find Learning Discover Tool: Bulk Actions | GA |

Take actions in bulk on the Manage Requests Page in Discover. An Approver can 'Approve', 'Decline' or 'Decline with a reason' for multiple enrollment requests at a time. As part of this release, Approvers will be also able to delete requests in Bulk.

Monitoring & Results  
Awards: Certificate Authenticity | GA |

When issuing certificates, incorporating a Certificate ID enhances security and uniqueness instilling greater confidence in recipients and stakeholders. This release also includes a new Brightspace API that will enable validation of an issued certificate by CertificateId.

Grades: Assessment Feedback Files | GA |

Enhance learning discoverability with feedback files accessible from Grades eliminating the need for learners to navigate into the assessable activity itself (Assignments, Quizzes & Discussions).

Grades: Automatic Zero | GA |

Leverage a new auto-zero grading option for instructors in the Gradebook which replaces the need for manual work on missing activities.

Teaching & Learning
Content: New display pages for assessible activities in NCE | GA |

Create, participate, evaluate, review, and monitor assessment activities consistently within the New Content Experience without navigating to other tools. The new display of assessable activities is consistent across roles, activity types, and activity progress.

Content: Custom Module Colours | GA |

Improve communications with learners and personalize a course by customizing each module with a unique color within the New Content Experience.

Creator+: Practice Adoption Data available in Brightspace Data Sets | GA |

Admins can now access Creator+ Practices Adoption dataset which includes data identifying the number and type of Practices being used, the location, as well as details about who authored the Practice and when for all data-enabled Practices going forward. Accompanying this data is an updated user interface that improves accessibility and responsiveness. Admins will be able to sign up to transition existing practices to be data-enabled.

  • Administration
  • Assessment
  • Data & Analytics
  • Extensibility
  • Find Learning
  • Monitoring & Results
  • Teaching & Learning